
The Kvell Poem (dedicated to all who sent me the Birthday Love)

Posted on by sam

The Kvell Poem
*For everyone who sent me the Birthday joy.
© 2014 by Samantha Berger

There’s a certain way that our hearts can swell
and only one word that describes it so well —

Birthday wishes from people you love –
The people who go beyond and above

A song, a poem, a handwritten note
Just the perfect, most meaningful quote

Folks that you have not seen in a while
Who suddenly make you burst into smile

Your beautiful photos, your beautiful art
The things that speak to the core of my heart

Making the memories, year after year
The very best part, is having you here.

My thanks to you all, you made my heart soar
I can’t wait to see what this year holds in store.

So I kvell and I kvell and I still kvell some more….
And my heart is now bigger than it was before.

With gratitude, appreciation, and the utmost love.


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