This past week, I continue my “EPUNymous Portrait Series.” One a day. A creative warm-up, like stretching. Here’s what happened, in chronological order. Then, the next day, on October 13th… The next day, October 14th, this happened. … Continue reading
Whelp, I have continued my streak of doing “Epunymous Portraits” every day this week, and wanted to post the new batch for y’all. Since I am creating and posting one a day, it was all about keeping it SURPRISING! And … Continue reading
Greetings, Blogkateers and Site-Peepers! Welcome. This latest episode of Samantha Berger’s Blog features a new project I have working on called EPUNymous Portraits. I thank Paul Zelinsky for inspiring that title. This is how it came to be. I was … Continue reading